I am an amateur photographer focussing mainly on travel/landscape as well as portrait photography of fursuits, cosplays and other characters. I am also known as “NewEinstein” within the furry fandom. My fursona is a snow leopard (which maybe explains the wierd name “snepshots” for my photography activities)

Originally from Germany (but I have also been living in Sweden and the United States), I am a passionate hobby photographer since several years. I learned the techniques of photography, meaning working with time, aperture, focal length and so on, with my parents old manual Pentax system camera. After some stopovers with compact and digital compact cameras I changed for a digital system camera in spring 2008. This now gives me the opportunities of image compositions I had been looking for.
Besides the digital world I still use the good old analog photography with black and white film. For this I mainly use a medium format camera and a 9x12cm Linhof large format system. (But I have many more working cameras in my collection with the oldest one from 1912) All the film development and scanning as well as enlargement in the dark room are done by myself.

Beside nature- and travel-photography I am focussing on portrait photography. I love to use flashes for my portraits to be able to control the light. For this I use portable studio flashes. On the camera side I recently switched to Sony Fullframe Mirrorless cameras which are in my opinion ideally suited for my work.
You can also find me on Mastodon, which I use for fast updates instead of other blogs: